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9.6.3 Releasing the PSU

9.6.3 Releasing the PSU
This section describes the procedure for releasing the PSU of the SPARC M12.
  1. Log in to the XSCF shell.
  2. Execute the replacefru command to display the maintenance menu.
XSCF> replacefru
  1. With a number key, select the FRU requiring maintenance.
    Enter "1" to perform maintenance on the PSU of the SPARC M12-2 (BB#0).

Maintenance/Replacement Menu
Please select the chassis including replaced FRU.

No. FRU Status
--- ------------------- --------------

1 /BB#0 Normal
2 /BB#1 Unmount
3 /BB#2 Unmount
4 /BB#3 Unmount

Select [1-4|c:cancel] :1
  1. With a number key, select the FRU requiring maintenance.
    Enter "3" to perform maintenance on the PSU of the SPARC M12-2.

Maintenance/Replacement Menu
Please select the BB or a type of FRU to be replaced.
1. BB itself

2. FAN (Fan Unit)

3. PSU (Power Supply Unit)

4. XSCFU (Extended System Control Facility Unit)

5. Crossbar cable


Select [1-5|c:cancel] :3
  1. With a number key, select the faulty FRU.
    Enter "1" since a fault has been confirmed in PSU#0 of BB#0.

Maintenance/Replacement Menu
Please select a FRU to be replaced.
No. FRU Status
--- ------------------- --------------

1 /BB#0/PSU#0 Faulted
2 /BB#0/PSU#1 Normal
3 /BB#0/PSU#2 Normal
4 /BB#0/PSU#3 Normal

Select [1-4|b:back] :1
  1. Confirm that the selected FRU is displayed, and then enter "r".
You are about to replace BB#0/PSU#0.
Do you want to continue?[r:replace|c:cancel] :r
  1. Remove the PSU, as instructed in the output message.
Please execute the following steps:
1) Remove BB#0/PSU#0.
2) Execute either the following:
2-1) After installing the exchanged device, please select 'finish'.
2-2) If you want to suspend the maintenance without exchanging device,
please select 'cancel'.
[f:finish|c:cancel] :
Do not enter "f" until you mount the replacement PSU.
After mounting the replacement PSU, incorporate it into the SPARC M12-2/M12-2S by using the procedure described in "10.4.3 Incorporating the PSU."