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11.7 Checking the XCP Firmware Version

11.7 Checking the XCP Firmware Version
This section describes the procedure for checking the XCP firmware version after XSCFU maintenance work.
The XCP firmware version may be different from that before XSCFU replacement. It must match the pre-replacement version.
  1. Log in to the XSCF, and confirm that the XCP firmware version is the same as before XSCFU replacement.
  1. If "XCP version of XSCF and Back-Panel mismatched!" is displayed at login to the XSCF, perform steps 2 and later to match the XCP firmware version because the version is not the same after XSCFU replacement.
    If it is not displayed, no work to match the pre-replacement version is necessary. Proceed to step 5.
XCP version of XSCF and Back-Panel mismatched!
XSCF=XCP3060, Back-Panel=XCP3062.
  1. If the XCP firmware version is not the same, execute the getflashimage -l command to check whether the XCP image file of the version before XSCFU replacement is saved on the replacement XSCFU.
  1. If not saved, import the XCP image file.
    The following example imports the XCP image file of the version before XSCFU replacement.
XSCF> getflashimage -l
Existing versions:
Version Size Date
BBXCP3060.tar.gz 107650264 Thu Aug 06 08:54:02 JST 2020
XSCF> getflashimage file:///media/usb_msd/xxxx/BBXCP3062.tar.gz
  1. If the XCP firmware version is different from that before XSCFU replacement, execute the flashupdate -c update command to match the version.
  1. The XCP firmware version will be matched to the Back-Panel version (the version before XSCFU replacement).
XSCF> flashupdate -c update -m xcp -f -s 3062
The XSCF will be reset. Continue? [y|n] :y
XCP update is started. [3600sec]
0..... 30..... 60..... 90.....120.....150.....180.....210.....240.....
  1. Execute the showlogs monitor command, and check for the "XCP update has been completed" message. The displayed message indicates the completion of the XCP firmware update.
XSCF> showlogs monitor
Mar 15 15:29:34 SPARCM12 Event: SCF:XCP update is started (XCP version=3062: last version=3060)
Mar 15 16:08:31 SPARCM12 Event: SCF:XCP update has been completed (XCP version=3062: last version=3060)
  1. Execute the version command, and confirm that the XCP firmware version is correct.
XSCF> version -c xcp
BB#00-XSCF#0 (Master)
XCP0 (Current): xxxx
XCP1 (Reserve): xxxx