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8.8 Checking CPU Activation Information

8.8 Checking CPU Activation Information
You can display a list of CPU Activation information by using the ldm command.  For details of CPU Activation, see "Chapter 5 CPU Activation."
  1. Execute the following subcommand to display a list of CPU Activation information.
# ldm list-permits
The following information is displayed when the ldm list-permits command is executed.
Table 8-2  Content Displayed by the list-permits Command
Item Description
PERMITS Displays the number of CPU Activations assigned to the physical partition.
IN USE Displays the number of CPU Activations used in the logical domains.
REST Displays the number of CPU Activations not used in the logical domains.
In the following example, the PERMITS column shows that a total of 15 CPU Activations (number of permissions) have been assigned to the physical partition. The IN USE column shows that 14 CPU cores out of all those permitted are currently in use. The REST column shows that one additional CPU core can be used.
# ldm list-permits
15 (15) 14 1
For details about displaying other lists of domain resources, see the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Administration Guide of the version used.