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C.3 prtconf Command

C.3 prtconf Command
The prtconf command displays the configured devices.
The prtconf command identifies hardware units recognized by Oracle Solaris.
When a software application experiences a hardware-related issue even though there is no hardware error, this command allows you to check whether Oracle Solaris recognizes the hardware and whether the hardware drivers are loaded.
Table C-3 lists the options of the prtconf command and how those options are useful for troubleshooting.
Table C-3  prtconf command options
Option Description Application
No options Displays the device tree for the devices recognized by Oracle Solaris. A hardware device is regarded as operating normally if it is recognized. If the message "(driver not attached)" is displayed for a device or a sub-device, the driver for the device is corrupted or does not exist.
Outputs content similar to that of no options but differs in that the displayed content contains device driver names. Allows you to check the driver necessary for Oracle Solaris to enable the device, or to view a list of drivers to be used.
Outputs content similar to that of no options but differs in that the display is simpler. Allows you to view the devices as a simple list.
Displays the version and date of the OpenBoot PROM firmware. Allows you to quickly check the firmware version.
The following example shows the output from the prtconf command.
# prtconf
System Configuration: Oracle Corporation sun4v
Memory size: 131304 Megabytes
System Peripherals (Software Nodes):

scsi_vhci, instance #0
packages (driver not attached)
SUNW,builtin-drivers (driver not attached)
SUNW,probe-error-handler (driver not attached)
deblocker (driver not attached)
disk-label (driver not attached)
terminal-emulator (driver not attached)
dropins (driver not attached)
SUNW,asr (driver not attached)
kbd-translator (driver not attached)
obp-tftp (driver not attached)
zfs-file-system (driver not attached)
hsfs-file-system (driver not attached)
chosen (driver not attached)
openprom (driver not attached)
client-services (driver not attached)
options, instance #0
aliases (driver not attached)
memory (driver not attached)
virtual-memory (driver not attached)
iscsi-hba (driver not attached)
disk (driver not attached)
virtual-devices, instance #0
console, instance #0
rtc (driver not attached)
flashprom (driver not attached)
console (driver not attached)
channel-devices, instance #0
virtual-channel, instance #0
virtual-channel, instance #3
virtual-console-concentrator, instance #0
virtual-network-switch, instance #0
virtual-disk-server, instance #0
virtual-channel-client, instance #1
virtual-channel-client, instance #2
pciv-communication, instance #0
virtual-domain-service, instance #0
cpu (driver not attached)
cpu (driver not attached)
cpu (driver not attached)
cpu (driver not attached)
cpu (driver not attached)

cpu (driver not attached)
cpu (driver not attached)
cpu (driver not attached)
pci, instance #0
pci, instance #0
pci, instance #1
pci, instance #2
scsi, instance #0
iport, instance #8
smp, instance #3
disk, instance #8
enclosure, instance #3
iport, instance #11
pci, instance #3
pci, instance #5
usb, instance #0
usb, instance #0
hub, instance #0
pci, instance #4
network, instance #0
network, instance #1
pci, instance #6
network, instance #2
network, instance #3
pci, instance #1
pci, instance #7
pci, instance #8
pci, instance #9
pci, instance #10
pci, instance #11
pci, instance #2
pci, instance #12
pci, instance #13
pci, instance #14
pci, instance #15
pci, instance #16
pci, instance #17
pci, instance #3
pci, instance #18
pci, instance #19
pci, instance #20
pci, instance #21
pci, instance #22
pci, instance #23
pci, instance #4
pci, instance #24
pci, instance #25
pci, instance #26
scsi, instance #1
iport, instance #6
smp, instance #1
disk, instance #6
enclosure, instance #1
iport, instance #9
pci, instance #27
pci, instance #29
usb, instance #1
usb, instance #1
hub, instance #2
pci, instance #28
network, instance #4
network, instance #5
pci, instance #30
network, instance #6
network, instance #7

pci, instance #22
pci, instance #101
pci, instance #102
pci, instance #103
pci, instance #104
pci, instance #19
pci, instance #105
pci, instance #23
pci, instance #106
pci, instance #107
pci, instance #108
pci, instance #109
pci-performance-counters, instance #0
pci-performance-counters, instance #1
pci-performance-counters, instance #2
pci-performance-counters, instance #3
pci-performance-counters, instance #4
pci-performance-counters, instance #5
pci-performance-counters, instance #6
pci-performance-counters, instance #7
pci-performance-counters, instance #8
pci-performance-counters, instance #9
pci-performance-counters, instance #10
pci-performance-counters, instance #11
pci-performance-counters, instance #12
pci-performance-counters, instance #13
pci-performance-counters, instance #14
pci-performance-counters, instance #15
pci-performance-counters, instance #16
pci-performance-counters, instance #20
pci-performance-counters, instance #17
pci-performance-counters, instance #21
pci-performance-counters, instance #18
pci-performance-counters, instance #22
pci-performance-counters, instance #19
pci-performance-counters, instance #23
ramdisk-root (driver not attached)
os-io (driver not attached)
fcoe, instance #0
iscsi, instance #0
pseudo, instance #0