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5.6.2 Stopping the system from the operation panel

5.6.2 Stopping the system from the operation panel
  1. Confirm that the mode switch on the operation panel is in Service mode.
  1. Press the power switch on the operation panel for 4 seconds or more.
    For details, see "2.3.2 Control function of the operation panel."
Note - For a building block configuration, press the power switch on the master chassis. The power switches of the other chassis are disabled.
  1. Confirm that the POWER LED on the operation panel is off.
Note - For a building block configuration, check the POWER LEDs on all the chassis that make up the system.
  1. Execute the showpparstatus command to confirm that the power to the physical partition has been turned off.
    In the following example, [PPAR Status] displays "Powered Off" for PPAR-IDs 00, 01, and 02, indicating that the power to all the physical partitions has been turned off.
XSCF> showpparstatus -a
00 Powered Off
01 Powered Off

02 Powered Off
  1. Execute the showdomainstatus command to check the operating condition of the logical domains.
    In the following example, [Status] of the logical domain displays "Solaris powering down", which indicates that Oracle Solaris is powering off.
XSCF> showdomainstatus -p 0
Logical Domain Name Status
primary Solaris powering down
4S-159-D0-G0 Solaris powering down
4S-159-D0-G1 Solaris powering down
4S-159-D0-G2 Solaris powering down