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9.5.1 Accessing a CPU memory unit

9.5.1 Accessing a CPU memory unit
  1. For a building block configuration of the SPARC M10-4S, remove the crossbar cables from the cable support.
    For details, see "5.9.1 Removing the crossbar cables from the cable support."
  2. Lower the cable support.
    For details, see "5.9.2 Lowering the cable support."
  3. Remove all the cables connected to the external interfaces on the rear of the chassis.
    The cables to be removed are as follows.
    Interface cable connected to the PCI Express (PCIe) card

    Crossbar cables (They may have been removed in step 1.)

    XSCF BB control cable (only for a building block configuration of the SPARC M10-4S)

    XSCF DUAL control cable (only for a building block configuration of the SPARC M10-4S)

    XSCF-LAN cable

    Serial cable

    LAN cable

    SAS cable

    USB cable
Note - Record the positions of the cables before removing them to ensure that they are reinstalled correctly.
  1. Remove all the PCIe card cassettes.
    For details, see "8.4.1 Removing a PCI Express card cassette."
Note - Make a note of the locations of the PCIe card cassettes before removing them to ensure that they are reinstalled correctly.
  1. If any crossbar units are mounted, remove them.
    For details, see "15.3 Removing a Crossbar Unit."
  2. Loosen the three screws holding the mounting frame and then remove it.
Figure 9-5  Screws securing the mounting frame
Figure 9-5  Screws securing the mounting frame