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B.2 Supplementary Information on CPU Operational Mode

B.2 Supplementary Information on CPU Operational Mode
If the CPU operational mode set by the setpparmode command is not matched with the logical domain configuration information used to start the physical partition, XSCF switches the logical domain configuration information to the factory-default settings.
The following shows combinations of the specified physical partition configuration, CPU operational mode settings, and logical domain configuration information that can switch the information to the factory-default settings.
Note - The SPARC M12 system does not support the CPU operational mode.
Table B-1  Relationship Between the CPU Configuration, CPU Operational Mode, and Logical Domain Configuration Information That Switches the Information to the Factory-Default Settings
Physical Partition CPU Configuration CPU Operational Mode Settings
Logical Domain Configuration Information
All SPARC64 X+ processors compatible Specifying logical domain configuration information created during operation using the SPARC64 X+ function with the setdomainconfig or ldm set-spconfig command
All SPARC64 X processors Both auto and compatible
Mixed use of SPARC64 X+ processor and SPARC64 X processor Both auto and compatible
The following shows operations that may switch the logical domain configuration information to the factory-default settings based on the above table.
  1. When the CPU operational mode for a physical partition configured with only the SPARC64 X+ processor is changed from "auto" to "compatible", and then the physical partition is started
  2. When a system board configured with the SPARC64 X processor is added to a physical partition configured with only the SPARC64 X+ processor using the addboard -c assign command, and then the physical partition is started