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3.1.15 Adding a System Board to a Building Block Configuration

3.1.15 Adding a System Board to a Building Block Configuration
Use the addboard command to add a system board (PSB<BB>) that represents a building block (BB) or reserve one for addition to a physical partition. Before executing this command, check the physical partition status (showpparstatus command) and PSB (BB) status (showboards command) by using the respective commands.
Note - A user account that has the platadm or pparadm privilege can execute the addboard command.
Note - The PSB (BB) to be added must be registered in advance in the PPAR configuration information for the relevant physical partition.
XSCF> addboard [-c configure] [-m bind={resource|none}]
[-m diag={off|min}] -p ppar-id psb [psb...]
XSCF> addboard -c assign -p ppar_id psb [psb...]
XSCF> addboard -c reserve -p ppar_id psb [psb...]
  1. -c configure option

    This option incorporates a PSB (BB) into the specified physical partition. If the physical partition power is off or Oracle Solaris is not running on the control domain, the system board is not incorporated, which results in an error. If the -c assign or -c reserve option is omitted, the -c configure option is assumed specified.
  2. -c assign option

    This option assigns a PSB (BB) to the specified physical partition. The assigned PSB (BB) is reserved for the specified physical partition and cannot be assigned from another physical partition. After the assignment is done, restart the physical partition or execute the addboard command with the -c configure option specified to incorporate the PSB (BB) into the physical partition.
  3. -c reserve option

    This option reserves the assignment of a PSB (BB) to the specified physical partition. Its behavior is the same as "assign."
  4. -m bind={resource|none} option

    This option sets the automatic assignment function for additional resources from the PSB (BB) to be incorporated. If resource is specified, the automatic assignment function for additional resources is enabled. If none is specified, the automatic assignment function for additional resources is disabled, and resources from the added PSB (BB) become free resources in the physical partition. The default is resource.

    If resources have been deleted with the deleteboard command before execution of the addboard command, you can recover the resource assignment that existed before the execution of the deleteboard command by enabling the automatic assignment function. However, if you changed logical domain configuration information before executing the addboard command, the assignment of resources follows the logical domain configuration information.

    If the logical domain configuration information for the physical partition is factory-default, the added resources are assigned to the control domain regardless of the setting of this option.
  5. -m diag={off|min} option

    This option sets the level of hardware diagnosis performed when a PSB (BB) is incorporated into a physical partition. If off is specified, no hardware diagnosis is performed. If min is specified, normal is set as the hardware diagnosis level. The default is min.
  1. -p ppar_id option

    Specify a physical partition number.
  2. psb
    Specify a PSB (BB) number.
Note - In PSB (BB) incorporation using the -c configure option, the target PSB (BB) is incorporated into the physical partition after the PSB hardware diagnosis is completed. Therefore, it may take some time before execution of the addboard command finishes.
Note - When using the addboard command with the -c configure option specified to incorporate a PSB (BB) into a physical partition, you need to enable the PPAR DR function for the target physical partition by using the setpparmode command and restart the physical partition. The command with the -c configure option specified cannot incorporate a PSB (BB) into a physical partition where the PPAR DR function is disabled.
Note - If a CPU Activation violation has occurred in a physical partition, the addboard command cannot be executed for dynamic reconfiguration. Eliminate the CPU Activation violation, and then execute the addboard command to perform dynamic reconfiguration.
Note - If a dynamic reconfiguration operation by the addboard command fails, the target PSB (BB) cannot be returned to its state before this operation. Identify the cause from the error message output by the addboard command and the Oracle Solaris message, and take appropriate action. However, you may need to power off or restart the physical partition, depending on the error that occurred.
Note - If you omit the -m option or specify bind=resource for the -m option when you execute the addboard command for PSB (BB) replacement, the resource assignment may not be returned to its state before the deleteboard command is executed.
If the amount of the resources of the PSB (BB) such as CPU and memory before replacement is different from that after replacement, you cannot return the resource assignment to its original state.
Resources that cannot not be returned to their original assignment become free. In such cases, use the ldm command to assign resources to the logical domain again.

The following example assigns physical system boards (PSB) 00-0, 01-0, 02-0, and 03-0 to physical partition 0. The -y option is used to answer "y" to all the confirmation questions of the command.
XSCF> addboard -y -c assign -p 0 00-0 01-0 02-0 03-0