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2.2.1 Configuration Conditions Required for the XSCF

2.2.1 Configuration Conditions Required for the XSCF
When adding a system board (PSB<BB>), you cannot insert the system board into a physical partition simply by installing and connecting the SPARC M12-2S/M10-4S. Use the XSCF shell or XSCF Web to register the PSB (BB) in the physical partition configuration information (PPAR configuration information). This enables you to perform operations on the physical partition. When working with a physical partition, you need to confirm that the added PSB (BB) is registered in the PPAR configuration information before incorporating the PSB (BB).

When deleting or replacing a PSB (BB), the PSB (BB) should already be registered in the PPAR configuration information. You do not have to confirm that it is registered in the PPAR configuration information.