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7.2 Migrating a Guest Domain

7.2 Migrating a Guest Domain
To migrate a guest domain with the live migration function, log in to the control domain, and execute the ldm migrate-domain command.
ldm migrate-domain command
Note - Only the major options are shown here. For details, see the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Reference Manual of the version used.
# ldm migrate-domain [-n] source-ldom target-host[:target-ldom]
  1. -n option

    This option only runs a test to determine if migration is possible. The actual migration is not performed.
  2. source-ldom
    Specify the name of the source guest domain.
  3. target-host
    Specify the host name of the control domain belonging to the destination physical partition. The host name is a valid host name on the network.
  4. target-ldom
    Specify the name of the destination guest domain. If not specified, the name is the same as the source guest domain name.