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3.1.7 Checking the Usage Status of CPU Core Resources

3.1.7 Checking the Usage Status of CPU Core Resources
Use the showcodusage command to display the usage status of CPU core resources.
Note - A user account that has any of the following privileges can execute the showcodusage command:
platadm, platop, fieldeng, pparadm, pparmgr, pparop
XSCF> showcodusage [-v] [-p {resource|ppar|all}]
  1. -v option

    This option displays detailed information.
  2. -p {resource|ppar|all} option

    Specify "all" to display the usage status of all the CPU core resources. Specify "resource" to display that information by resource. Specify "ppar" to display that information by physical partition.
The following example specifies the -p resource option in the showcodusage command to display the usage status of the CPU core resources by resource.
As shown here, the system has 16 mounted CPU core resources and 4 registered CPU Activations, 4 of the CPU core resources are in use, and the number of CPU Activations currently not in use is 0.
XSCF> showcodusage -p resource
Resource In Use Installed CoD Permitted Status
-------- ------ --------- ------------- ------

PROC 4 16 4 OK: 0 cores available

Please confirm the value of the "In Use" by the ldm command of Oracle VM Server for SPARC.

The XSCF may take up to 20 minutes to reflect the "In Use" of logical domains.
Table 3-8 lists the meanings of the display items of this command.
Table 3-8  Details Displayed by the showcodusage -p resource Command
Display Item Meaning
Resource Available CPU core resources (PROC: CPU, currently only for CPUs)
In Use Number of CPU core resources currently used by the system (0 is returned when communication with Hypervisor cannot be established.)
Installed Number of mounted CPU core resources in the system
CoD Permitted Number of CPU Activations registered in the system
Status CPU Activation availability for the CPU core resources in use (OK: Available, VIOLATION: Not available)
The following example specifies the -p ppar option in the showcodusage command in SPARC M10 to display the usage status of the CPU core resources in the physical partition. This example shows that 32 CPU core resources are mounted in physical partition 0, that the number of CPU Activations assigned to the partition is 4, and that 3 CPU core resources are currently in use there. Also, 32 CPU core resources are mounted in physical partition 1, the number of CPU Activations assigned to the partition is 4, and 4 CPU core resources are currently in use there. You can see from this example that the number of CPU Activations currently not in use in the system (registered in the XSCF but not assigned to PPAR) is 12.
XSCF> showcodusage -p ppar
PPAR-ID/Resource In Use Installed Assigned
---------------- ------ --------- --------------

0 - PROC 3 32 4 cores

1 - PROC 4 32 4 cores

2 - PROC 0 0 0 cores

3 - PROC 0 0 0 cores

4 - PROC 0 0 0 cores

5 - PROC 0 0 0 cores

6 - PROC 0 0 0 cores

7 - PROC 0 0 0 cores

8 - PROC 0 0 0 cores

9 - PROC 0 0 0 cores

10 - PROC 0 0 0 cores
11 - PROC 0 0 0 cores
12 - PROC 0 0 0 cores
13 - PROC 0 0 0 cores
14 - PROC 0 0 0 cores
15 - PROC 0 0 0 cores
Unused - PROC     0     0    12 cores
Please confirm the value of the "In Use" by the ldm command of Oracle VM Server for SPARC.

The XSCF may take up to 20 minutes to reflect the "In Use" of logical domains.
If the -p ppar option is specified in the showcodusage command, you can confirm the items shown in Table 3-9.
Table 3-9  Items Displayed by the showcodusage -p ppar Command
Display Item Meaning
PPAR-ID/Resource Physical partition number and CPU core resource type. A CPU core resource indicated as Unused is not used in the physical partition.
In Use Number of CPU core resources currently used in the physical partition
Installed Number of mounted CPU core resources in the physical partition
Assigned Number of CPU Activations assigned to the physical partition