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  9. 3.1.18 Specifying the Logical Domain Configuration Information for a Physical Partition

3.1.18 Specifying the Logical Domain Configuration Information for a Physical Partition

3.1.18 Specifying the Logical Domain Configuration Information for a Physical Partition
Use the setdomainconfig command to specify physical partition configuration information.
XSCF> setdomainconfig -p ppar_id -i index
  1. -p ppar_id option

    Specify a physical partition.
  2. -i index option

    Specify a configuration information control number. You can check the control number by using the showdomainconfig command. You can specify an integer from 1 to 8.
Note - The logical domain configuration saved on the XSCF does not become effective simply through a control domain restart with the shutdown command of Oracle Solaris. Be sure to restart the control domain by using the poweroff and poweron commands of the XSCF.