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3.2.11 Starting Delayed Reconfiguration Mode

3.2.11 Starting Delayed Reconfiguration Mode
Switch to delayed reconfiguration mode before performing the work for reconfiguring hardware resources assigned to the control or root domain. This is because reconfiguration of virtual memory may take some time during reconfiguration by dynamic reconfiguration. Use the ldm start-reconf command to start delayed reconfiguration mode.
# ldm start-reconf ldom
The following example switches primary, the control domain, to delayed reconfiguration mode.
# ldm start-reconf primary
Use the ldm list-bindings command to check whether the mode is delayed reconfiguration mode. The following example shows the execution results of the ldm list-bindings command. In the results, the third character from the beginning of "-ndcv-" in the [FLAGS] column is "d," which represents delayed reconfiguration mode.
# ldm list-bindings primary
primary active -ndcv- SP 8 4G 0.1% 2h 16m
After switching to delayed reconfiguration mode, you cannot operate a guest domain with the ldm command. The following example shows a failure to stop a guest domain.
# ldm stop-domain -a

Notice: LDom primary is in the process of a delayed reconfiguration.
Any changes made to primary will only take effect after it reboots.

Delayed reconfiguration of LDom ldom1 is not permitted