3.1.12 Setting Physical Partition Configuration Information
3.1.12 Setting Physical Partition Configuration Information
Use the setpcl command to register a system board in physical partition configuration information (PPAR configuration information) and to set the configuration policy, memory nullification option, and I/O nullification option.
Note - A user account that has the platadm privilege can execute the setpcl command. |
XSCF> setpcl -p ppar_id -a lsb=psb [lsb=psb...] XSCF> setpcl -p ppar_id -s policy=value XSCF> setpcl -p ppar_id -s no-mem=value lsb [lsb...] XSCF> setpcl -p ppar_id -s no-io=value lsb [lsb...] |
- -p ppar_id option
Specify the number to assign to the physical partition. Afterward, the number specified here is used for reference as the physical partition number.
Note - Assign a physical partition number that is the same as the BB-ID of any one of the chassis mounted on the system. If the BB-ID of an unmounted chassis is specified as a physical partition number, the power-on of the physical partition will fail. |
- -a lsb=psb [lsb=psb...] option
This option maps a physical system board (PSB) to a logical system board (LSB). Specify a logical system board (LSB) number for lsb, and a physical system board (PSB) number for psb. - -s policy=value option
This option sets the configuration policy for an entire physical partition. Specify any of the following for value as the unit of degradation: fru (each part), psb (system board unit (BB unit)), or system (entire physical partition).
Note - Set the configuration policy option while the power of the relevant physical partition is off. |
- -s {no-io|no-mem}=value
Specify either true or false. If true is specified, nullification is set to make memory and I/O unavailable. - lsb
Specify a logical system board number (LSB number).
Note - Set the memory nullification option and I/O nullification option when the relevant PSB (BB) is in the system board pool state or while the physical partition power is off. The system board pool state is a state where the system board does not belong to any physical partition. |
Note - The memory nullification option and I/O nullification option can be set with the SPARC M12-2S/M10-4S. |
The following example maps physical system boards (PSB) 00-0 and 01-0 to logical system boards (LSB) 0 and 1, respectively, of physical partition 0.
XSCF> setpcl -p 0 -a 0=00-0 1=01-0 |
The following example sets the configuration policy to "All physical partitions" for physical partitions 0 and 1.
XSCF> setpcl -p 0 -s policy=system |
The following example sets the memory and I/O devices such that they are not used by logical system board (LSB) 1 in physical partition 0.
XSCF> setpcl -p 0 -s no-mem=true 1 XSCF> setpcl -p 0 -s no-io=true 1 |
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