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3.1.1 Types of Maintenance

3.1.1 Types of Maintenance
The types of maintenance supported for the crossbar box are divided into the following three types depending on the system operation status: active maintenance, inactive maintenance, and system-stopped maintenance.
  1. Active maintenance
    Maintenance is performed when the physical partition to which a FRU requiring maintenance belongs is operating.
  2. Inactive maintenance
    Maintenance is performed when the physical partition to which a FRU requiring maintenance belongs is stopped.
  3. System-stopped maintenance
    Maintenance is performed with all physical partitions stopped.
Each of the three maintenance types is further divided into two types: hot maintenance and cold maintenance.
  1. Hot maintenance
    Maintenance is performed with all the power cords of the crossbar boxes and the SPARC M12/M10 connected.
  2. Cold maintenance
    Maintenance is performed with some of the power cords of SPARC M12/M10 or all the power cords of the crossbar boxes and the SPARC M12/M10 disconnected.
    To power off a crossbar box, disconnect the power cords of all the chassis of the crossbar boxes and the SPARC M12/M10.