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6.3.3 Mounting a PCIe Card on the Server Using PCI Hot Plug (PHP)

6.3.3 Mounting a PCIe Card on the Server Using PCI Hot Plug (PHP)
This section describes the procedure for mounting a PCIe card on the server using PCI hot plug (PHP).
For details on the cfgadm command used here, see "2. Dynamically Configuring Devices" in the Managing Devices in Oracle Solaris 11.2. In the case of Oracle Solaris 10, see "SCSI Hot-Plugging With the cfgadm Command (Task Map)" in the Oracle Solaris Administration: Devices and File Systems.
Note - To perform PCIe card maintenance using the hot plug function, confirm that the card is PHP enabled. To do so, check "Appendix B Cards That Support PCI Hot Plug and Dynamic Reconfiguration" in the Fujitsu SPARC M12 PCI Card Installation Guide or "Appendix A Cards That Support PCI Hot Plug and Dynamic Reconfiguration" in the Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide.
Mount the PCI Express card in the target PCI slot. Then, incorporate it into a logical domain in the following procedure.
  1. Log in as an Oracle Solaris super-user.
  1. Execute the svcadm enable hotplug command to activate the hotplug service.
# svcadm enable hotplug
  1. Execute the cfgadm command to check the mounting status of the target PCIe card.
    Confirm that the target PCIe card is recognized.
# cfgadm -a
  1. Execute the cfgadm command to supply power to the PCIe card.
    For the Ap_ID, enter the PCIe card Ap_ID you noted before the start of maintenance.
# cfgadm -c connect Ap_ID
  1. Execute the cfgadm command to incorporate the PCIe card into the logical domain.
    For the Ap_ID, enter the PCIe card Ap_ID you noted before the start of maintenance.
# cfgadm -c configure Ap_ID
  1. Execute the cfgadm command to confirm that the PCIe card requiring maintenance has been incorporated into the logical domain.
    In the following example, the [Receptacle] is displayed as "connected" and the [Occupant] as "configured," indicating that the PCIe card requiring maintenance is incorporated into the logical domain.
# cfgadm -a
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
BB#0-PCI#0:iobE7a77.pcie4 etherne/hp connected configured ok
  1. Assign the I/O device of the incorporated PCIe card to the logical domain.
    a. If you released the I/O device assigned to an I/O domain before maintenance, return the physical I/O device (PCIe end point device) to its original state.

    b. Suppose that the virtual function (VF) using the SR-IOV function was removed or destroyed before maintenance. Based on the retained output results of the ldm list-io command, create and assign the virtual function to the domain again.

    c. Before maintenance, a virtual device (vnet, vdisk) of a guest domain may have been kept unused. Return it back to the unused state.

  1. If you have added a new PCI Express card, see the following manual to perform appropriate operations:
    - In cases where dynamic reconfiguration for PCIe end point devices is used

    "15.3.1 Adding a Physical I/O Device to an I/O Domain" in the Fujitsu SPARC M12 and Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 System Operation and Administration Guide
Note - Dynamic reconfiguration for PCIe end point devices is supported by XCP 2230 or later and Oracle VM Server for SPARC or later.
  1. - In cases where dynamic reconfiguration for PCIe end point devices is not used

    "3.2.18 Configuring an I/O Device" and "3.2.19 Creating or Destroying the SR-IOV Virtual Function" in the Fujitsu SPARC M12 and Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Domain Configuration Guide.
  1. If you have enabled the hotplug service, execute the svcadm command to disable the hotplug service.
# svcadm disable hotplug