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7.3.1 Active Addition

7.3.1 Active Addition
This section describes the workflow for active/hot FRU addition. References to detailed descriptions are written in the workflow. See any of them as required.
Active addition on the SPARC M12-1 has the following patterns:
Active/Hot addition (HDD/SSD)
Active/Hot addition can be performed on an HDD/SSD. Perform the following procedure to add the unit.
Figure 7-7  Active/Hot Addition Flow (HDD/SSD)
Figure 7-7  Active/Hot Addition Flow (HDD/SSD)
Table 7-9  Active/Hot Addition Work Procedures (HDD/SSD)
Item Work Procedure Reference
1 Opening the rack door
2 Checking the operating condition of the system and the I/O device usage status "5.3 Checking the Operating Condition and Resource Usage Status"
3 Mounting the HDD/SSD "Chapter 9 Maintaining Internal Storage"
4 Incorporating the HDD/SSD by using the hot plug function "6.6 Incorporating the HDD/SSD"
5 Confirming that there is no problem with the added FRU "6.7 Checking the FRU Status After Maintenance"
6 Closing the rack door