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  9. 2.2 Items Requiring Confirmation Before Installation

2.2 Items Requiring Confirmation Before Installation

2.2 Items Requiring Confirmation Before Installation
This section describes the items that you need to confirm before installing the SPARC M10 system. Before starting installation work, confirm that the requirements in Table 2-1 have been met.
Table 2-1  List of items requiring confirmation before installation
Check item Check column
System configuration
- Has the system configuration been determined?
- Has the required rack space been confirmed?
- Has the number of racks been decided?
- Have the system administrator and operators attended the required training courses?
Installation location
- Has the system installation location been determined?
- Does the placement of each chassis meet the service area requirements?
- Have the chassis been placed so that their air intakes do not take in exhaust from other equipment?
- Have the rack installation requirements been met?
Access route
- Has the access route for the rack been secured?
Environmental conditions
- Does the installation location meet the temperature and humidity conditions?
- Can the environmental conditions at the installation location be thoroughly maintained and controlled?
- Have security measures been established for the installation location?
- Does the installation location have sufficient fire extinguishing equipment?
Power supply facilities
- Do you know the voltage available for the racks where each chassis and peripheral will be mounted?
- Are the power supply facilities sufficient for the individual chassis, monitors, and peripherals?
- Are the power supply facilities within an appropriate distance from the racks?
Network specifications
- Do you have the necessary information for network connections?
CPU Activation
- Has the volume of resources to be used during initial installation been determined?
- Have the required CPU Activations been ordered?