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10.3.8 Configuring SNMPv3 Traps

10.3.8 Configuring SNMPv3 Traps
Set an SNMPv3 user name and authentication/encryption password common to the sending and receiving sides. The engine ID must start with "0x" and be an even hexadecimal number.

The authentication algorithm is Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA1) or MD5.

The encryption protocols are Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Data Encryption Standard (DES).
Note - We do not recommend setting DES. For SNMP-related change information, see the latest Product Notes for your server.
No default has been set for the trap destination host. The default port number for the trap destination is 162.
  1. Execute the showsnmp command to display the SNMP settings.
    The following example displays the status where SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c are configured.
XSCF> showsnmp
Agent Status: Enabled
Agent port: 161
System Location: MainTower21F
System Contact:
System Description: DataBaseServer
Trap Hosts:None
Hostname Port Type Community String Username Auth Encrypt
-------- ---- ---- ---------------- -------- ---- ---------

host1 62 v1 public n/a n/a n/a
host2 1162 v2 public n/a n/a n/a
SNMP V1/V2c:
Status: Enabled
Community String: public
  1. Execute the setsnmp command to configure SNMPv3 traps.
    The following example specifies, along with the addv3traphost operand, a user name, engine ID, authentication algorithm, authentication password, encryption password, and trap destination host name or IP address.
XSCF> setsnmp addv3traphost -u yyyyy -n 0x### -r SHA host3
Enter the trap authentication passphrase: xxxxxxxx
Enter the trap encryption passphrase: xxxxxxxx
  1. Execute the showsnmp command, and confirm the SNMPv3 trap settings.
XSCF> showsnmp
Agent Status: Enabled
Agent port: 161
System Location: MainTower21F
System Contact:
System Description: DataBaseServer

Trap Hosts:

Hostname Port Type Community String Username Auth Encrypt
-------- ---- ---- ---------------- -------- ---- ---------

host3 162 v3 n/a yyyyy SHA AES
host1 62 v1 public n/a n/a n/a
host2 1162 v2 public n/a n/a n/a
SNMP V1/V2c:
Status: Enabled
Community String: public

Enabled MIB Modules: